Four ways to spring clean your website

Four ways to spring clean your website

Spring is a busy time for many people. Most people are trying to move during this season or trying to clean their homes and businesses. As a business owner, you probably want to make sure your building looks clutter-free and inviting. One thing that you should consider adding to your to-do list is spring cleaning your website

Your website is the first thing most people see before they even step foot in your building. How your site looks plays a huge role in your business’ credibility. A report has found that 75 percent of people base the credibility of a business on a website’s design. Our web design Omaha NE team wants to share some ways you can spruce up your website this spring.

Update your website’s content 

What would you do if you clicked on a website and saw it had old content? You probably would assume that the business is inactive and click off the site fast. You do not want your potential customers to do that to you, so take time to update your company’s content. Plus, updating old content can improve your website’s ranking on search engines. 

During your digital spring cleaning, be sure to update any content on your site that has not been touched in a while. Some content that should be actively updated includes:

Event dates

New services or products

Contact information

Employee bios 

Fix any broken links

There is nothing more annoying for a user than when they click on a website link and get the 404 page. This page is an indication that a link is broken. A broken link is a web page that cannot be found or accessed by the user. 

The good news is that these links, if spotted,  are fixable with the help of a web design Omaha NE professional. There are websites available that can help you find broken links on your site. Fixing these links can improve your users' experience and enhance your SEO strategies

Increase your website’s speed

There is nothing more annoying to a user than a website with slow loading speeds. A report has found that over 80 percent of users who experience slow speeds on a website may never return to the website again. That is why it is important that your website is loading as fast as it can. 

How can you determine your website’s speed? There are websites that can test your site’s speed. A good reference point is that a website that takes more than 400 milliseconds to load is more likely to cause people to click away from your site. 

Improve your website’s accessibility

Every business owner should have a goal to make their website as accessible as possible for everyone. That means you should also consider those who are visually impaired. You can make your website more accessible by adding alt tags to your site’s images.

Alt tags are HTML attributes that provide a text alternative for search engines. On top of helping those who are visually impaired, they also help search engines when it comes to ranking. Adding this kind of tag helps search engine crawlers inspect and index the pages faster. 

Hire a web design Omaha NE company!

If you need extra help maintaining your website, contact Monstrous Media Group. Our team of professionals can ensure your website is looking and working at top speeds. Contact us to get started. 

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

