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Like us, odds are good that you are a Facebook addict. Here's an awesome article we found very interesting and thought you might too. Especially if you're targeting this demographic.
The First Thing Young Women Do in the Morning: Check Facebook
Young women are becoming more and more dependent on social media and checking on their social networks, according to a new study released earlier today by Oxygen Media and Lightspeed Research. In fact, as many as one-third of women aged 18-34 check Facebook when they first wake up, even before they get to the bathroom.
The study sampled the habits of 1,605 adults using social media between May and June of this year in an attempt to break down their social media habits. While some of the results are in line with previous studies we’ve read, others simply shocked us (e.g. 42% of young women think posting photos of themselves “visibly intoxicated” is okay).
While the study covers all of social media, it’s clear that women in the 18-34 range are focused on their Facebook accounts. More than half of young women (57%) say they talk to people online more than face-to-face. A full 39% of them proclaim themselves Facebook addicts, while 34% of young women make Facebook the first thing they do when they wake up, even before brushing their teeth or going to the bathroom.
Here are some interesting stats regarding young women and Facebook:
21% of women age 18-34 check Facebook in the middle of the night
* 63% use Facebook as a networking tool
* 42% think it’s okay to post photos of themselves intoxicated
* 79% are fine with kissing in photos
* 58% use Facebook to keep tabs on “frenemies”
* 50% are fine with being Facebook friends with complete strangers
What conclusions can we draw from this data? It’s not just that young women are using Facebook religiously: it’s that they’re very open with what they post and who they accept as friends. <1>
What do you think of these stats? Do any of them surprise you? Let us know what you think in the comments.
Please contact us for more information on how you can capture this specific target market for your business product or service.
Monstrous Media Group LLC
4852 S. 133 ST Suite 101
Omaha, Nebraska 68137
(800) 601-6765
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