Email marketing best design practices

Email marketing best design practices

A type of marketing that always works, no matter the latest trend, is email marketing. It is one of the most trusted marketing channels by industry professionals. Constant Contact found that more than 90 percent of respondents say email marketing is important to their company’s overall success. 

The key to having a successful email marketing campaign is engaging content and design. The way your emails look plays an important role in whether people will read your emails or take action. Our email marketing automation agency team wants to share some email marketing best design practices that you should implement to increase engagement and click-through rates.

Email marketing best design practices

Keep emails short and sweet

Nobody wants or has the time to read an email that is the size of a novel. When writing emails for your company, keep them sweet and to the point. Make sure your content is easy to read and scannable. When writing emails, it is advised to follow readable layouts like z-patterns, f-patterns or inverted pyramids. 

Put mobile users first

When it comes to where people check their emails, mobile comes on top. Nearly 1.7 billion email users check their emails on their mobile phones; second is desktop, which is around 900 million users. With so many people checking their emails on mobile devices, you should ensure your emails have a mobile-friendly, responsive design. A good tip is to use a scalable design, which includes a single-column layout and big buttons. 

Be adventurous with color

Color can also be a powerful tool to grab your email subscriber’s attention. Although color is helpful, it can also cause the email to look cluttered and messy. Experts recommend that you keep most of your color minimal and add color where you want to draw readers' eyes. For example, adding a bright color to the call-to-action button can help increase clicks.

Add high-quality images

Adding images to your emails helps bring visual interest and also allows you to break up the text blocks. That being said, you should be using high-quality images in your emails. You do not want to use images that are too small and pixelated. Use images that are the size of your email and high-quality. 

Optimize CTAs

At the end of the day, there is a purpose for sending that email. You should be adding call-to-action buttons to your emails. These calls to action should be easy to locate and provide a simple step to what action they should take. A natural place to add CTAs is the bottom of the newsletters. 

Elevate your email marketing with the best email marketing automation agency!

At Monstrous Media Group, we make email marketing easier by providing email marketing services that allow you to focus on your business while we work on your email marketing. Our team provides email marketing that delivers targeted, personalized campaigns that resonate with your audience. Contact us today to get started!

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