Effective Social Media Optimization Strategies

Effective Social Media Optimization Strategies


Social Media Optimization (SMO), just like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), aims to bring more traffic to your website. It includes the practices that are undertaken to increase the visibility of a brand or product using multiple social media channels and communities. SMO focuses on viral publicity wherein your website is promoted by rapid sharing of your posts or blogs. Using RSS Feeds, bookmarking sites, social media outlets as well as video and blogging sites, SMO generates increasing traffic to publicize your website. 

Optimization of your content not only promotes your company but also helps to build a brand image on various social networks. This directly translates into better revenue as the whole world is hooked on to social networking today. SMO takes the help of networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, video sites like YouTube and social bookmarking sites like Stumble Upon and Reddit.

How to Optimize Your Product?

SMO attempts to change a website in a way that it becomes easier to link, appears more frequently on custom searches on search engines and is also tagged to engaging content, all of which help to make your website more noticeable. A few ways in which you can optimize your website are:

1. Update Your Content
A major reason why some websites are more visible than others is because their content is regularly restocked which increases the chances of the content to be linked. If you use your website just as a storehouse of information, it is not going to be promoted. Adding interesting blog posts, creating white papers or even providing links to engaging content in other websites are some ways to make your website more discernible.

2. Promote Tagging and Bookmarking
Your website must contain a list of relevant tags which allows viewers to browse through additional content on a particular topic. Adding quick buttons also facilitates tagging. 

3. Broadcast Content Through Different Channels 
SMO not only aims to make changes in the website, but use all resources available to generate publicity. Portable contents like audio and video files as well as PDFs can be provided to relevant sites to increase their visibility. It is these content files that will bring traffic to your website when they are linked.

4. Share and Co-exist
If you want your content to go viral, you must be prepared to allow others to use your content provided they link your website in their content. Associating your data using RSS feeds also helps others borrow your content and create new posts that contain links to your website.

5. Become a Resource
Your aim as a website should be to become a user’s guide to queries in a certain area. Provide links, even if it belongs to your competitors, to help a user solve his problem. How this aids in SMO is that, very quickly your website will be designated as the ultimate source of information in that particular discipline. As a result you will feature prominently in search engine results.

Social Media Optimization is a necessity for your website that can put you on top of the game.

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