Do you need a seasonal SEO?

Do you need a seasonal SEO?

Seasonality impacts all businesses, whether  B2B or B2C, no matter the location, product or services provided. Seasonality is a major contributor to how people make their purchasing decisions during the holiday season. From their initial research to their final purchase, the customer journey is still there, but on a seasonal note. 

The holiday season seems to sneak up on everyone so quickly that it can be difficult to leverage the holiday season to its full potential. 

Is seasonal SEO worth it? First, let’s define seasonal SEO and its main differences from traditional SEO strategies! 

What is seasonal SEO

Seasonal SEO takes all of the traditional SEO strategies that an SEO company implements on a client’s website but specifically targets seasonal keywords to drive conversions and traffic for the holiday season. 

Search Engine Journal explains that there are two different types of seasonal SEO that companies need to take into account - time-based and event-based. 

Time-based is based on Summer, Winter, or weekly or monthly events, while Event-based is based on those events in-between the time! 

Is seasonal SEO worth it?

Even with the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 seasonal shopping was historically high in sales with over $789.4 billion spent during the holiday season. While the average American spends $942 each year on their friends and family. For businesses, this could be the busiest time of the year depending on its budget.

How do I start seasonal SEO?

The first step would be to hire an SEO company to help with seasonal keywords, research, content optimization, backlinking and other traditional SEO strategies that are utilized all year-long, not just during the holidays. 

One of the first steps is to check out Google Trends. Google Trends is a free marketing tool that allows you to check out trending topics on Google and narrow these trends by country and cities while comparing regions. It is the perfect tool for seasonal SEO to see if there is an uptick in this product from October to December. 


The more research the better. This gives a company the ability to provide themselves with a competitive advantage over like companies. Internally, this data can be used to see how past years’ analytics compare. If this is the first year implementing seasonal SEO, this is a great moment to try A/B testing.  

Evaluate your target audience for the seasons you’re approaching. Your objectives should be to see what your audience needs, uses, and what they’re looking for.

Write seasonal content and copy 

This might seem as if it is a no-brainer to put this part in the seasonal SEO blog, but it is too important to not. Not all events or times will be important during the holiday season which is why a company has to prioritize its content and copy for marketing campaigns. 

Its importance 

Seasonal SEO planning can provide companies who are searching for growth in leads, sales, and conversions during their busiest or even slowest months. 

Now that you understand the importance of seasonal SEO for your business, it is the perfect time to reach out to an SEO company to start your strategy. Integrate seasonal shifts in your marketing strategy to ensure that you bring in the sales your company is searching for! 

Contact our team today to learn more about implementing a long-term SEO strategy while integrating seasonality throughout the year. 

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