Digital Marketing 101: What is a Call to Action (CTA)?

Digital Marketing 101: What is a Call to Action (CTA)?

Read to the end of this blog to get sales up to $1 million! Did that grab your attention? Not sure how it wouldn’t. This is the perfect example of a piece of copy that is written to provoke an action. The success of this copywriting is to understand the psychology of marketing to ensure that you are converting leads into customers.

How can one phrase provoke an action? This is called Call to Action (CTA). 

What is a CTA?

Call to action digital marketing 

A Call to Action (CTA) tells an audience what they should do after reading online content. Whether it is a social media post or email marketing campaign, the consumer should always be encouraged to take action after they have finished consuming the content.


At Monstrous Media Group we use CTA’s to encourage readers to click website or blog links, subscribe to our newsletter, follow the brands and businesses we work with, etc. We always want our CTA’s to make sense and persuade our audience in the best kind of way.

Why do you use a call to action?

Even with technological advances and savvy consumers, we all still need to be directed to the end of our customer journey, no matter what stage we are in. 

What is a CTA that happens in everyday life that ignites a response?

 A great example is the dentist's office reminding you about an appointment or annual cleaning. 

The text message could read, “Hi valued customer, please hit C to confirm your appointment.” What do you do? Hit C to confirm. A better CTA for this? 

“Hi there, please hit C to make sure your teeth do not fall out of your head.” A bit exaggerated, but it gets the message across! 

Consider a CTA within a body of content or as a closing statement as a reminder to do something, react or think of something! 

With content and digital marketing, the end goal is to have your audience convert into customers. The goal is to answer the question, “Now what? And how do I get there?”


The first step to creating and implementing a good CTA is to stop the generic, “sign up here.” Your audience will ask themselves these questions, why would I sign up? Is there a purpose? What problem is this solving? 

The same energy, time, and thought that is created with content need to be put into the CTA. Any call to action digital marketing copy should always be strategic with the end goal in mind. 

The first mistake anyone can make when it comes to marketing is to “wing it.” The same goes for a CTA strategy. 

As always, when creating a CTA for B2B or B2C marketing, observing an audience is essential. What motivates them? What are their past habits within your content?

You made it to the end of this blog, congratulations! While we cannot offer $1 million in sales, we can offer you the opportunity to speak with our team about starting digital marketing! 


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