7 reasons it’s time to update your family law firm’s website

7 reasons it’s time to update your family law firm’s website

The legal industry is a competitive marketplace in the real and digital world, and with only 35 percent of small law firms updating their website within the last three years, the general consensus is that it might be time to update your website. 

These are the seven reasons why a family law firm should hire a web design Omaha expert to implement the best law firm web design out there! 

1. When was the website designed and developed? 

What is the answer to the question listed above? If you or the team find yourselves wondering or second-guessing the timeframe, the project should have been started yesterday. While a website will last as long as it is live on the Internet, this doesn’t mean that the website is effective or functional. 

Research shows that the average design lifespan of a website is two years and seven months. While this does vary depending on the industry, it shows that an outdated website could be the factor deterring potential clients from filling out the contact us form. 

This is because a client who clicks on your website will make their first impression of your law firm at that moment. What is the old, outdated website giving as the first impression? In most cases, it presents to potential clients that your law firm isn’t concerned about the digital presence of your company. 

It all matters when it comes to law firm web design and development. 

2. Contact us information

In an effort to increase clientele, it is imperative that these potential clients know who to contact or where to fill out the contact us form. A contact us form provides potential clients the ability to contact you virtually, and provides the company the ability to monitor and easily email or call back those contacts who meet the lead generation criteria. 

3. User interface 

User interface (UI) design is all about creating a simple design that provides a positive and seamless experience clicking from one page to the next on your law firms’ website. 

In the legal industry, a modern, clean, and minimalist website design is imperative to present yourself as the industry leader. In the UI design industry, the minimalist design simply means removing any unnecessary elements or navigational issues that would cause confusion. 

It provides the most functional website design that can be provided while not compromising on modern design principles. 

4. Target audience shift 

The legal industry works with a number of different target audiences, but even in this case, it is important to understand that the younger demographic will start to become a larger audience than previous generations. 

There are several generational differences between Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers, from messaging to brand loyalty, it is important to understand their differences while embracing their similarities. 

5. Accessibility

Without accessibility implemented into law firm web design, a law firm can find themselves needing legal representation. In 2020, an average of almost 10 lawsuits were filed every business day due to a company’s website being inaccessible. 

A demographic that is often overlooked are those with mental or physical disabilities. To ensure those with disabilities are easily able to navigate and use your website, it is important to make sure that necessary updates are made. Accessibility provides those utilizing necessary equipment such as JAWS screen readers or other equipment to have the same experience on your website as any other user. 

6. Google Page Experience

The Google Page Experience takes into consideration all of the requirements that Google has been slowly implementing into its ranking factors and adding all of these factors into a single update. The Google Page Experience update reviews mobile-friendliness, user experience, loading speeds, interactivity, and other elements that are necessary for a website to function. 

This update is all about page experience and user experience. From the URLs and links on your website to how many seconds it takes for your family law firm’s website to load. The better your website is ranking by using the Google Search Console report, the better the opportunity to improve your online marketing presence. 

7. Improve your marketing strategies 

Online marketing strategies such as social media marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) are vital to the online success of your family law firm. As competition rises on a local level, family law firms who are branching out will find the competition on a larger, more national scale is even more difficult. 

Our experts are able to help all legal teams and firms with their law firm web design and development projects, social media marketing, and SEO strategies! 

For more information, contact our team today. 

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

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