2024 Web design and development trends

2024 Web design and development trends

If you are looking at starting a business or revamping your existing website, you should be on the lookout for the web design and development trends for 2024. 

Staying on top of the latest trends, like 2024 digital marketing trends, will help you learn about what elements your website needs to ensure it fits today’s Internet users while also helping you stand out from the competition. 

As one of the top web design and development services that has been in the industry for years, we can help bring light to some of the trends we will see in the new year. Dive into our predictions for web design and development for 2024.

Web design trends 2024

Dark mode website

A trend that you might have already started to see is dark mode websites. This kind of website design uses a dark color scheme as opposed to the common white websites we are all used to seeing. If you did not know already, we also went with a dark mode web design in our website redesign.

Many designers are loving this design trend because it is easy to consume and gives a professional but serious tone. These website designs make it easy for people to read content on the website. A good thing to note is that having a dark mode website does not mean you are limited to using a black background. You can use gradients or dark tones like navy. 


Massive typography

A web design trend that we began to see rise in 2023 was massive typography. This design trend is breaking and refreshing how people see a website. It also allows web designers and developers to highlight the words that describe the brand the best.

One of the pros of using this web design trend is that it is easy for a website user to consume what the website is about. Another advantage is this design also takes so much space that you do not need a whole lot of images. You can worry less about finding the perfect image for your site and focus on the text.

Web development trend 2024

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) integration

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies have been gaining popularity for some time now. It is predicted that they will become an essential part of web design and development in 2024. 

Websites will make use of AR and VR to provide users with immersive experiences such as virtual showrooms and product experiences. This trend is expected to revolutionize various sectors such as e-commerce, education and entertainment, giving users unforgettable experiences.

Responsive web design 2.0

Responsive web design has been around for some time, but it is constantly evolving. As devices, screen sizes and orientations become more diverse, the next iteration of responsive design will prioritize fluidity and adaptability. Websites will automatically adjust their layouts, content and interactions to provide a seamless user experience, regardless of whether the user is on a smartphone, tablet or desktop.

Voice user interface (VUI) design

As voice-activated devices like smart speakers and voice search continue to gain popularity, designing for voice user interface (VUI) will become increasingly important. Websites will need to incorporate voice-based interactions to allow users to navigate, search and interact with content using their voice. Therefore, optimizing for voice search and ensuring a seamless VUI experience will be crucial in the year 2024.

Redesign or build your website with the best web design and development services!

If you are looking to incorporate any of our pre-designed templates into your new website, our Monstrous team can help! We offer custom website design and development services, including custom coding and versatile designs. Get in touch with us today to get started.


Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

