2024 Digital Marketing Trends

2024 Digital Marketing Trends

2023 was quite the year in the digital marketing world! We saw the rise of AI being used in the digital marketing space, from content creation to web and app development. It revolutionized the process of digital marketing. 

2024 is set to be no exception. Like every year, as a full service digital marketing agency we would like to share with you our predictions of digital marketing trends we will see rise to the top in 2024. Of course, we cannot see into the future, but we can look back at Internet user behaviors and make educated guesses. 

Here are the top 2024 digital marketing trends that we expect to see in the new year!

Interactive emails

Let’s start with the email marketing space. One of the trends we believe will start to grow in popularity is interactive emails. This kind of email template will allow subscribers to interact with content directly on the email as opposed to clicking off to visit a website. It is perfect for businesses who want subscribers to view products or shop directly on their email. An example of this is Google’s emails, which allow users to shop directly on the email and view products. 

Google Search Generative Experience (SGE)

In the world of search, a lot is going to change with AI technology. A change that might impact how users search is Google Search Generative Experience (SGE). This technology will provide a more dynamic search experience that will provide users with more clear, concise answers to the user’s search queries. As for preparing your company for this change, it is still too soon to say. However, Semrush recommends focusing on creating content that directly answers user queries.

Zero click searches

An emerging trend in online search is the concept of zero-click searches. Essentially, this means that many users do not click on any links displayed in search results, especially ads. A recent study conducted by Semrush found that 57% of mobile users and roughly 25% of desktop users exit a search results page without clicking on any links. To adapt to this trend, your company can aim to secure featured snippets in search results to increase visibility and engagement without relying on clicks.

Social media SEO

An increasing trend that we predict will continue to grow is the number of people who use social media as a search engine. According to a study, 75.78% of consumers have utilized social media to search for or discover new products and brands, while 68.75% of consumers have made a purchase based on something they saw on social media. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the content you create for your social media is easily searchable by using relevant keywords in your captions.

More AI-recommended content

The use of AI has increased significantly this year, and it is expected to continue in 2024. Our experts predict that there will be a rise in AI-generated content. Even Mark Zuckerberg has stated that Instagram will display twice the amount of AI-recommended content by the end of 2023. If you are a brand or creator, it is important to create more authentic content that encourages engagement to increase the chances of AI displaying your content.

AI and automated PPC advertising

According to full service digital marketing agency experts, AI is set to take over not only social media but also the advertising world. They predict that AI will handle most of the heavy lifting across campaign setup, management and refinement. A study has shown that almost 80% of advertisers are already using AI for programmatic bid optimization. To stay ahead, experts recommend transitioning to AI-driven frameworks for bidding control and expanding automated rules for spending allocations.

Hire a full service digital marketing agency to get your company on these trends!

At Monstrous Media Group, we have experts in all digital marketing channels who can help align your company to fit upcoming trends and give you the results you are looking for. Reach out to us today to start planning your 2023 marketing strategy.


Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

