150+ Reasons To Come Out Tonight!

We know you have nothing better to do later which is why we are giving you another 150+ great reasons to get off of the couch and come out tonight. Tonight is Victory Fighting Championships 37 and yet again we are a very proud sponsor. To show our pride we have decided to make it rain tonight, only without using water. Instead, we would like nothing more than to shower you with prizes! What kind of prizes? AWESOME ONES!!
Before or during the start of VFC 37 tonight stop by our Monstrous Media Group Table at Victory Row or stop one of our MMG Girls walking around the crowds for your chance to win an xBox360, iPad, Raptor Jet Remote Helicopter, Star Wars USB Storage Drives, T-shirt, Free Websites (Valued at $5,000) and other prizes!!
You can't win if you don't go so get out to the Mid American Center at 7:00 PM for VFC37 and stop on by to say hello.
A HUGE THANK YOU goes to emailContactor.com for supplying the xBox360 for tonight's giveaways. emailContactor.com is a locally owned and operated email and SMS marketing system with accounts starting at $9.95.
Monstrous Media Group
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