
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

Web Producers/Web Content Gurus Needed
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Web Producers/Web Content Gurus Needed

Are you tired of working contract jobs that are unfulfilling? Tired of being looked down as second-class citizens? Want to work on projects that boost your resume and grow your career?

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Data Media Solutions
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Data Media Solutions

We are very happy to annouce the launch of the brand new Data Media Solutions website. Like many of our clients Data Media Solutions lacked the online look and feel to match their company's ellegent approach to servicing their client's technology needs.

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New Project - Alotta Brownies
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New Project - Alotta Brownies

“Taking over one Tummy at a Time” Not a lot of pastry chefs can name pop icon Madonna among their former customers; or Yoko Ono and Mary Tyler Moore either, but Michelle Kaiser, owner of Alotta Brownies, can.

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PRODUCT LAUNCH - SL Jensen Construction
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PRODUCT LAUNCH - SL Jensen Construction

SL Jensen's needs were pretty simple, an exceptional online brand to match the company's exceptional construction work, a task we were happy to take on. The end result, a website that mimics SL Jensen's unbelievable construction craftsmanship.

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New Project - Kosama
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New Project - Kosama

If you haven't listened a Kosama radio commercial, seen or know someone who isn't doing Kosama, then we are pretty sure that you have been living under a rock.

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We’ve Moved, Temporarily
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We’ve Moved, Temporarily

We've grown. A whole lot and after much consideration we have decided to build out a brand new office to better house all creative Monsters. Thus we have moved our corporate offices back into our sales office on Millard Avenue where we will remain until the build out on our new office is complete. More exciting news to come…

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