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Why Email Marketing Works
  • E-Mail Marketing
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Why Email Marketing Works

Have you received an email marketing campaign lately? How about a SPAM campaign message? Did you read it or just skim the subject line and author and then tossed it in the trash?  Does email marketing work? You bet it does! Whether or not you read that marketing blast you just proved it was an effective campaign just by acknowledging its existence. So why is email marketing so effective? Well, email marketing works for a variety of reasons. Companies like use modern email marketing services and solutions that support database integration, segmentation and various other tricks and techniques for improving the targeting of outgoing messages. Advanced methods generate on-the-fly emails customized down to an individual recipient basis and then as if from the gods above give all of that data to you in an easy readable report.

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First Thing Young Women Do In The Morning: Check Facebook
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

First Thing Young Women Do In The Morning: Check Facebook

Like us, odds are good that you are a Facebook addict. Here's an awesome article we found very interesting and thought you might too. Especially if you're targeting this demographic. The First Thing Young Women Do in the Morning: Check Facebook. Young women are becoming more and more dependent on social media and checking on their social networks, according to a new study released earlier today by Oxygen Media and Lightspeed Research. In fact, as many as one-third of women aged 18-34 check Facebook when they first wake up, even before they get to the bathroom. The study sampled the habits of 1,605 adults using social media between May and June of this year in an attempt to break down their social media habits. While some of the results are in line with previous studies we’ve read, others simply shocked us (e.g. 42% of young women think posting photos of themselves “visibly intoxicated” is okay).

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