
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

OMG Mobile Application - Now Avaiable!
  • Mobile Applications

OMG Mobile Application - Now Avaiable!

Yes, it has been a while since we have written a promotional blog for our own company but today we have a very fitting reason. I am happy to announce that our Monstrous Media Group LLC application is now available for download from the Apple App Store for free.

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Promotions, the Most Powerful Way to Grow Fans
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Promotions, the Most Powerful Way to Grow Fans

One of the many questions we receive every week is "how can I attract more people to my Facebook profile?". Like most social butterflies who have decided to use social media to increase their business exposure you have been burning the might night oil trying to figure out how to increase your Facebook's fanbase with little or no success. According to Jupiter Research, over 80% of all Internet users have participated in an online sweepstakes or contest in the past year, while another 50% enter them once a month. Creating an online sweepstakes is tantamount to taking advantage of human nature’s enchantment with the game of chance.

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Business Development/Sales Geniuses Wanted
  • News & Events

Business Development/Sales Geniuses Wanted

Monstrous Media Group LLC ( ) delivers a MONSTER APPROACH to internet marketing solutions to small. medium, and large sized businesses all around the United States. In the last few months we have secured dozens of new customers in the Omaha area and are looking to build upon our success with additions to our sales organization.

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OSx Lion App Store Downloads Problems
  • The Vast Universe

OSx Lion App Store Downloads Problems

Hey alright, OSx Lion is out, why not hop over to the Apple App Store and download yourself a copy? Wait, maybe not because it's not working is it? 'Akamai’s servers and Apple’s datacenters are being hammered for OS X Lion downloads. But going forward, is it the right content distribution network for Apple?'  As of this morning, the answer is a big NO!! If you're like the millions of other Apple fans you're probably already at your witt's end trying to get yourself updated to Lion.

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How Google Panda Changed SEO Forever (Panda v2.2)
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How Google Panda Changed SEO Forever (Panda v2.2)

Just as expected and right on time Google has released Panda v2.2. This time around Google has improved their ability to detect those pesky scraper websites and remove and ban them from SERPs. Naturally Panda updates are changes made to Google's algorithm and are not manual reviews of websites within their index - so expect some error for those of you unlucky website owners. So what all has changed? A lot! So you better have a good strategy or you will be lost in translation or even worse off, removed from the index.

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Product Launch - Miracle Hill Golf & Tennis
  • News & Events

Product Launch - Miracle Hill Golf & Tennis

We welcome Miracle Hill Golf & Tennis Center into their new online home. If you haven't had a chance to check out Miracle's new website please take a few minutes to do so and play their online photo hunt for cool prizes.

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New Project - Boyer Young Development Company
  • News & Events

New Project - Boyer Young Development Company

The Best Lifestyle, Location and Value! Boyer Young Development Company has you covered. Boyer Young has your physical real estate interests covered and we have Boyer Young's new online real estate covered.

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Dead Hour Season 1 Party
  • News & Events

Dead Hour Season 1 Party

The Dead Hour is an online web series that follows the trends of The Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, Tales from the Crypt, etc. Each new episode is introduced by DJ Raven, a dark and sultry late night radio host who warns her listeners about the spooky and bizarre nature of the story they are about to hear (which then dissolves into the visual depiction for the online viewers).

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Product Launch - Baranko Homes
  • News & Events

Product Launch - Baranko Homes

MMG welcome's Baranko Homes into their new online home. Baranko Homes is known as one of Omaha's premier home builders however their existing website was lacking that special flair. Naturally Baranko came a knocking and we were happy to sit down with them and create a new web presence to spice up their online life.

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