Who is Gap Wallet?
When an unexpected emergency expense comes up, it can take a huge toll on an individual and their family. Gap Wallet helps ease the burden of paying an insurance deductible by offering short term, interest free repayment options.
Did you know that 60% of Americans don’t have an emergency fund that can cover $500? Gap Wallet allows for families the assurance to know someone is there for them for the rest of their lives. Gap Wallet offers a membership for as little as $10.00 a month that allows anyone to be a part of our Loyalty Rewards Programs, receive daily deals/discounts, full access to preferred local service providers, all the vehicles you own will be covered and so much more!
If you are in an accident and aren’t sure what to do we have a Vetted Network of Service Providers. Get a membership today and start saving.
Becoming a member is easy, all we need is your email or mobile number at members.mygapwallet.com. Then you’ll select which plan will fit you best, we have both family and individual plans to choose from.
What did the Monsters do?
Gap Wallet came to Monstrous Media Group in need of a new website and help to grow their brand.
The MMG Monsters went straight to work, creating a custom website including a simple navigation allowing users to quickly find the content they need to understand what Gap Wallet offers.
The website gives users the ability to find service providers in their area, learn more about the memberships offered by Gap Wallet, along with frequently asked questions.
Once the new website was up and running, the Digital Marketing squad took the reins. MMG created a digital marketing strategy utilizing Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. The digital marketing strategy also includes weekly blog content filled with keyword rich topics.