Custom Concrete Creations 2.0

Who is  Custom Concrete Creations? 

Custom Concrete Creations (CCC) is a professional concrete service company based out of Omaha, Neb. They specialize in polished concrete for commercial and industrial clients and have worked with big name brands such as Starbucks, the Army National Guard, WalhBurgers, and the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo. Custom Concrete Creations offers a wide variety of services beyond just polished concrete, and is certified in 13 different concrete and flooring systems.

What did the Monsters do? 

MMG worked on  the design and development for the original Custom Concrete Creations website several years ago, and they loved it so much,  they reached back out to modernize their existing design and to add a little bit of flair to make them stand out from the crowd.

CCC wanted a homepage that did more to show off the services and accolades of the company, and wanted to make sure that it left a great first impression. 

MMG took that information and added an awesome video header that shows the crew at Custom Concrete Creations hard at work polishing concrete. Taking visual cues from the video, our graphic designer used gray elements throughout the site while incorporating dark reds and blues to give them a fresh and modern design.  

This pushed CCC out of their comfort zone a bit and allowed for their website design to transform into a modern, sleek website with elements that are bold and bright. 

As you move down the homepage, colored sections, parallax images and auto-scrolling sliders help to keep the page lively and interesting. Each section provides a bit of information about a service that Custom Concrete Creations offers and directs users to full service pages for more information. The sliders highlight all the applications of those services and the various clientele that Custom Concrete Creations have worked with on past projects.

For the rest of the site, it was important to provide plenty of space for big, colorful images. Custom Concrete Creations does a great job of photographing their work and we wanted to make sure that they had the chance to show it off. Our subpage design incorporates enough white space to make sure that the photos stand out, uses a big, bold font face to keep things clean and makes good use of muted colors in body content to ensure that images are front and center.

Continued efforts

Custom Concrete Creations is one of Monstrous Media Group’s longest-running digital marketing clients and we continue to work with CCC on their Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) presence. When CCC came to MMG for SEO, the website was ranking for about two keywords on the first page and 140 on average, but as MMG helped CCC, they are now ranking for over 700 keywords! 

As Custom Concrete Creations continues to expand throughout the Midwest region, MMG is looking forward to their awesome growth in the future.  

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