Standard Web Support Service Level Agreement


1. General Overview

The purpose of this document is to establish a two-way understanding between the Customer and Monstrous Media Group LLC Support Team regarding the web support services available. The document lays out the practices regarding web support which MMG will follow. These practices are intended to yield a high quality, reliable web experience for eligible customers.

2. Service Description

This Service Level Agreement specifically describes the web support services provided by MMG.

2.1 Scope

This Service Level Agreement applies to the MMG developed and hosted websites.

Web Support is provided by the most efficient method available. Currently, opening a ticket via email is the recommended approach but assistance may also be obtained via support ticket escalation for high severity issues, telephone and in-person via your Account Manager or MMG Executive Staff by means of a scheduled appointment.

2.2 Services

Web support services include:

2.2.1 Initial Consultation

  • Meeting with content sponsors to determine their requirements

2.2.2 Design and Construction

  • Construction of draft pages/site
  • Collection, review, and implementation of sponsor's feedback

2.2.3 Deployment and Upkeep

  • Assistance with the posting the pages/site to the appropriate web server(s)
  • Assistance with the posting new content

2.2.4 CMS/Content Migration

  • Moving existing content to CMS
  • Providing training in maintaining site content

3. Roles and Responsibilities

3.1 MMG Support Responsibilities

MMG Support will provide the infrastructure, technology, personnel, processes, and monitoring tools necessary to deliver web support as described in this document, and MMG Support to:

  • Meeting response times associated with the priority assigned to individual service requests.
  • In the case of MMG Support services and other explanatory materials, develop content following the appropriate MMG Support template and upload to the appropriate area of the MMG Support site using information provided by the content sponsor.
  • In the case of non-MMG Support content, assist with posting content provided by content sponsor to the appropriate area of the customer website as agreed with the content sponsor.

3.2 Customer Responsibilities

Customer responsibilities in support of this Agreement include:

  • Using the standard contact methods (see Section 4 below) to request web support services
  • Reviewing draft design concepts, web pages suggestions, ticket replies, and all other communication dependencies in a timely fashion.
  • Regularly reviewing page content for which they are responsible and communicating any required updates or new content to MMG Support in a timely fashion.

3.3 Support Limitations

The MMG Support team provides support for the usage of and placement of text and graphic content for MMG Customer websites. MMG's Data Center also provides support for data center-owned or leased hardware and for web-hosting software applications including but not limited to WHM/Cpanel. When applicable, MMG may obtain assistance from Data Center Support Services on your behalf by initiating a Support support ticket. 

4. Requesting Service

4.1 Web Support Requests

MMG offers four methods to submit web support requests.

  • 4.1.1 Support Ticket via Email
    Sending email to MMG support[at] is the recommended method for requesting web support assistance. The request will be delivered to all members of the MMG Support team, ensuring that it is reviewed promptly. Unless designated urgent, requests made via email will be processed in the order in which they are received during normal hours of operation.
  • 4.1.2 Support Ticket via Web Portal
    Customers may also submit requests for assistance with web support via the MMG Support Portal by visiting The customer can create an account if they do not already have one, then submit a request. Requests submitted via this channel for customers who have existing accounts will be automatically associated with your account and contact information, and you can keep track of your ticket's progress directly on the support website. Requests made via the web are processed during normal hours of operation.
  • 4.1.3 Telephone
    For Enterprise Clientele Only - Urgent support requests may be made by telephone to special support number provided by your account manager. Messages left during off hours will be processed the next business day. 
  • 4.1.4 In-Person
    The MMG Support Executive Team emphasizes the importance of meeting with customers face-to-face, both before and after sites have been deployed. MMG Support team members are located in the Omaha, Nebraska management office; please contact us or your account manager for an appointment. In-Person requests are not governed by this SLA.

5. Hours of Coverage, Response Times and Complaint Resolution

5.1 Hours of Coverage

Web content management support is provided by the MMG Support Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm Central Standard Time, on regular business days.

5.2 Response Times

MMG Support will use the following guidelines to prioritize web support requests, with the goal of beginning to work on the problem within the target timeframe. Actual response times may be shorter or longer, depending on the volume of requests being handled at any one time.

MMG Support Request Response Times Table

5.3 Escalation

Any Customer not satisfied with the level of service related to a web support request should contact their account manager or the MMG Executive Team, who will review your input and respond to you with the action taken.

5.4 Other Requests

Requests not covered in the scope of this service can be submitted through email support[at] and will be referred on to the appropriate individual(s).

6. Maintenance and Service Changes

6.1 Web Content Maintenance

When content publishing exceeds the knowledge of the client the MMG Support Team will accept requests for web content updates and revisions through any of the following channels listed under Requesting Service.

6.2 Web Service Changes

From time to time, the platform or other software used in the construction and maintenance of websites for which the MMG Support Team has responsibility may change. The team's skills will stay up-to-date to encompass these changes.

7. Reviewing and Reporting

7.1 Performance Reporting

Upon request the following annual performance and availability reports will be published for review:

  • Response metrics between request and completion

7.2 SLA Reviews

The MMG Executive Team (“Document Owner”) is responsible for facilitating regular reviews of this document. Contents of this document may be amended as required, provided mutual agreement is obtained from the primary stakeholders and communicated to all affected parties.

Designated Review Owner: (Mac Rogers, Executive Strategy)
Previous Review Date: 03/30/18 (Brad Nietfeldt, Managing Partner)
Next Review Date: 03/30/19 (Mac Rogers, Executive Strategy)

This Agreement is posted to the following location and made accessible to all stakeholders:

8. Approvals

The Account Manager, MMG Support Senior Managers and Executive Management approve this document. This document is then published on the MMG Support website, along with other service level agreements.