
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

Is SEO Dead?
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • The OMG Collective

Is SEO Dead?

SEO is a widely discussed and sometime thought as a trivial part of having a website. So with all of the information, misinformation, and wrong information that exists is SEO even worth it? Is SEO Dead? SEO is absolutely not dead, here's why..

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Cheap Website? It may be costing you more than you realize…
  • Mobile Applications
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • The OMG Collective
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

Cheap Website? It may be costing you more than you realize…

We have all heard the phrase "You get what you pay for," right? Building a website for very little may end up costing you more time and money later. Your website is crucial for the success of your business. It is there to help you get potential clients, retain your current clients and make you money around the clock, so why not consider the true return on investment and spend the money to make it great in the first place?

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  • News & Events


Monstrous Media Group is proud to announce the launch of the brand new website. The launch comes after a new creative redesign and development project to create a fresh current brand.

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The 2015 Local Search Ranking Factors
  • SEO and Search Marketing

The 2015 Local Search Ranking Factors

From year to year, the only thing you can count on in local search results is change. So here it is, the 2015 Local Search Ranking Factors that affect your local search rank.

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Why No One Pays Attention To Your Marketing!
  • The OMG Collective
  • The Vast Universe

Why No One Pays Attention To Your Marketing!

Ever mass-deleted a bunch of impersonal emails from your inbox? Brand fatigue is a real threat to your marketing strategy. Let's discuss the tricks and tips to avoid the burn out in your marketing influence.

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Protect Your Ranking: Clean Your Site’s Cruft
  • Graphic Design
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • The OMG Collective

Protect Your Ranking: Clean Your Site’s Cruft

We all have it. The cruft. The low-quality, or even duplicate-content pages on our sites that we just haven't had time to find and clean up. It may seem harmless, but that cruft might just be harming your entire site's ranking potential.

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Feel Good Friday - 13 Things To Remember About Life
  • The OMG Collective
  • The Vast Universe

Feel Good Friday - 13 Things To Remember About Life

Today is Friday, as such we want to feel good. We also would like to extend the feelings of goodness to you as well. So this list is very fitting for our company today and we are sharing it with you so you too can remember to feel good today. Well... Always.

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10 Ways Client Feedback Can Help Your Business
  • The OMG Collective

10 Ways Client Feedback Can Help Your Business

Asking for client feedback can seem confronting. In fact, many, if not most of us, would prefer not to know at all rather than be faced with the reality that a client didn't like our services. There are so many reasons to find out what your clients think of you. At Monstrous Media Group, we call our clients our Monster Family. We welcome any and all feedback and often, we use our clients as references for prospective clients to help build rapport and credibility. Here are 10 ways that client feedback can actually help drive your business forward.

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Beginners Guide to OpenStack
  • The Vast Universe

Beginners Guide to OpenStack

Thinking of scaling into the OpenStack Cloud? Smart thinking! OpenStack is a set of software tools for building and managing cloud computing platforms for public and private clouds and if you're about to take the OpenStack plunge you might want to get up to speed. Here's a short beginners guide to OpenStack to help you along the way.

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